Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The tale of three trees - A traditional folktale

Once upon a mountaintop, three trees dreamed of what they wanted to become when they grew up.
- “I want to hold the most beautiful treasure in the world”
- “I want to be a strong sailing ship and carry the most important king in the world”
- “I want to stay here at the mountaintop and grow so tall that when people raise their eyes to heaven, they think of God”.

Time passed by and one day three woodcutters climbed and cut the three trees.
The first tree rejoiced when it was taken to a carpenter’s shop, but a feed box for animals was made out of it, not a treasure chest, it was disappointing.
The second tree rejoiced too when the woodcutter took it to a shipyard, but a fishing boat was made out of it, not a sailing ship, it was disappointing.
The third tree was so confused from the beginning, it had been cut away from the mountaintop and strong beams where made out of it and it was put in a lumberyard, all it wanted was to point towards God.
Many days and nights passed by, and the three trees had forgotten their dreams.

One day, a couple in a cold night arrived looking for a Inn to stay, they find none and to sleep their baby they used an animal feed box, then the first tree realized it was the most beautiful treasure in the world.

Years later, a group of fishermen was in the middle of a storm in an old fishing boat. Suddenly a man stood up and said “Peace” and the storm stopped. Then the second tree realized it was carrying the most important king in the world.

Finally, one Friday morning, the third tree was shivered when it was dragged to build a cross, it was dragged through an angry crowd and a man was nailed to it. It felt harsh and cruel. But on Sunday morning when the man nailed rose from the death, the tree realized its beams would remember God.

The baby, the king and the nailed man are all of them Jesus Christ, next time you think God is not listening, remember, He will turn your dreams true, although there is a time for everything under the sun.

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